Golden Garden rules

  1. Please note that this garden in held in perpetuity by the Bonnington Square Garden Association (BSGA) and is managed and maintained by local residents.
  2. Whilst open to all, access is upheld with the good will and discretion of the BSGA, by entering the garden you agree to our guidelines. The garden is normally open from morning to evening, seven days a week although there may be times that we need to close the garden during these hours.
  3. We hope you enjoy your visit to the pleasure garden but please respect and leave the garden as you find it.
  4. We reserve the right to ask anyone who is abusing the hospitality of the garden to leave.
  5. We regret that we cannot allow dogs, bikes and ball games in the garden as these can damage delicate plants and shoots.
  6. We also kindly ask you to be quiet at night, remember this is a residential neighbourhood!
  7. Any comment and applications for use of and or access for works should be directed towards the contacts page here.
  8. Written permission is required from the BSGA for any works which may impact on the garden, otherwise we assume trespass has been enacted.
  9. Dogs: Working assistance dogs only please
  10. No fires, BBQs, camping stoves or fireworks are allowed in the garden

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BSGA – Conditions of Use from 1st January 2020

The garden at 2-12 Bonnington Square is open to all during daylight hours. If you find the garden locked Italo Deli will usually open up for you. Otherwise please do not trespass in the garden when it is locked.

The following conditions apply to anyone wishing to use the garden for events or commercial / study purposes.

  1. PARTIES / EVENTS Any ‘party’ for more than 6 people, especially where additional seating/tables etc might be brought in, MUST have permission from, and be booked with the garden committee, and a £50 deposit paid in case of damage and/or failure to clear up properly. This is exclusive of any hourly charges paid. For the avoidance of doubt, ‘failure to clear up properly’ means that a member of the committee has had to clear up any mess left behind after the party.
  2. Parties may be held for a maximum of 30 people. For certain events this may be increased to 50.
  3. NO BBQs or fires are permitted at any time as this woold invalidate our insurance.
  4. In consideration of neighbouring residents, all acoustic music* / singing must stop by 10pm. Music volume must be kept to a reasonable level. If users are asked to turn music down by a member of the committee, you will be asked to leave if you do not comply with the request. * music is to be acoustic ONLY other in exceptional circumstances.
  5. The flower beds are out of bounds under all circumstances and authorised entry into roped areas will mean immediate forfeiture of any deposit and of the right to continue enjoying the garden. The area around the bamboo is occasionally frequented by drug users so it is strongly recommended that children are not allowed in there. We request that young children be supervised at all times as certain plants may be mildly toxic or have sharp spines.
  6. Where an event means that any part of the garden is unusable by other users, the following charges apply:
    1. Local resident kids’ parties per hour £10
    2. Non-resident kids’ parties per hour £20
    3. Local resident per hour £25
    4. Non-resident per hour £50
  7. Use of the garden for any commercial purpose MUST be requested in advance with a member of the committee and deposit and any charges paid in advance. The following rates apply to commercial use:
    1. Garden open to other users £50 per hour
    2. Garden closed to other users £100 per hour
    3. Daily rates may be negotiated with the Secretary or Treasurer.
    4. Conditions 2, 3, 4, 6 apply equally to commercial users.
  8. Students are exempt from the above rates but must have a letter from their college or other bona fide proof of their status, and depending on the activity proposed will be asked to leave a deposit.
  9. Where a non-paying event charges an entry fee, any proceeds are to be shared equally with the garden.