Category Archives: Event

The Nest Collective – Singing with Nightingales

From Apr-May, in the woodlands of Sussex & Kent, and live from the concert hall, award-winning folk artist, Sam Lee invites audiences to experience a unique collaboration between musician and bird, and a rare opportunity to hear one of the UK’s rarest birds sing its courtship song from its summer home.

In Lewes, Sussex, and Green Farm Kent, small groups will take a magical walk under the night sky, after a fireside supper & storytelling, guided into the nightingales’ habitat by wilderness experts, where world-renowned musicians will collaborate live with the birds; dates & artists

Audiences further afield will also able to share this experience, as SWN: LIVE  comes to venues across the UK, including The Southbank Centre, hosted by Sam Lee & featuring special guests Kadialy Kouyate & Donal Kearney. Birdsong will be transmitted live into venues from the woods, whilst Sam & special guest artists collaborate live on stage, providing an increasingly rare opportunity to hear the birds song. (Supported by Arts Council England)


The Bonnington Square Garden Association


Invites all to the AGM

Wednesday 29th January 2014


@ The Bonnington Centre


Election of Officers/Executive Committee

Officer’s Reports

Next workday

Planting Plans/Trees

Any other Business



Big Garden Clean-Up Day

Weekend 15/16 March

from 10.30am

All help greatly appreciated!


Choral Music in The Pleasure Garden 19th July at 7.30pm

Under the direction of choirleader Sophia,
The Larks of Lambeth will be giving their
inaugural performance of a cappella harmony songs.

Repertoire to include music from Africa, France, Eastern Europe and also gospel.

Bring a bottle and some victuals for sharing.

Please make a donation.

Proceeds to go to The Wheatsheaf Hall for allowing us to rehearse there.

(If it rains we’ll move to the top room at The Bonnington Centre)

The Pleasure Garden, Bonnington Square, SW8

Bonnington Square Festival

Sunday July 1st 2007
2pm – 11pm

Activities include:

  • Kids Fancy Dress Parade
  • Bonnington Square Garden Time Capsule
  • Face Painting
  • Treasure Hunt
  • Decorate Your Wheelie Bin Competition
  • Paint Our Bonnington Square Mural
  • Tombola
  • Stalls
  • Pimm’s, Beer and Burger Stall
  • Live Music

Please note the Garden will be closed from 9pm.