Proposals for Vauxhall Cross

discount chiffon bridesmaid gownsIn case you didn’t make (to the open evening where all the plans and and planners were present) it there are a couple of things worth writing to TfL about esp if any of you drive or take taxis. (I suggest you look at your map to make sense of these points)

  1. The right turn from Wandsworth Road into ‘Bridgefoot’/start of Kennington Lane/under the railway will NO LONGER be possible. This means that to go from S Lambeth Road you will have to go along the new 2 way S Lambeth Road, turn R into Kennington Lane then do that huge loop up Durham St, Harleyford Rd, then L into S Lambeth Road and L into Vauxhall Grove as at present. This will take longer than the current loop around the one-way system. IF (a big if) they would permit a R turn into Vauxhall Grove from the new 2 way S Lambeth Road (and there is no reason for this to become a rat-run) the problem would be solved. This is what I will propose as an alternative.
  2. The only way to drop off elderly or disabled people at the station will be if you are coming from from the West along S Lambeth Rd. For anyone coming from Albert Embankment or Harleyford/Kennington Lane this would be impossible.

The planners at the meeting agreed with me on both these points and made a note of them but unless sufficient people make a noise they might for convenience just forget about these issues.

You can respond to TfL’s consultation on the redevelopment of the bus station and roads around it here (the consultation is set to end 17 January)