Volunteer Workday on Saturday 15 March

Bonnington Square Garden Needs You

Please come and help out at the volunteer workday on Saturday 15 March from lO am. No gardening knowledge is needed, just your enthusiasm. Bonnington Square Garden is nearly 20 years old and needs you to get involved to keep it going.

Who looks after the garden?

• The garden is maintained by the residents of the area through the Bonnington Square Garden Association (BSGA).
• The association is open for anyone to join.
• The BSGA pay the bills for running of the garden (water, electricity, repairing damaged and worn out bits of the garden, replacing plants etc) and organise garden workdays and events in the garden.
• Currently only a small group of residents volunteer their time and effort to look after the garden and get involved in the running of the garden by being members of BSGA.

The BSGA receive no ongoing funding from any source for the garden. Lambeth Council does not give any money to the garden.

Who looks after the planted areas around the square?

As well as the garden the planted areas in the street also need to be cared for, they need weeding, managing plant growth and watering etc. This is what it looked like before the street plots!

To make sure all the areas are being cared for we would like to get a list of people that look after different parts of the square.

  • If you already look after an area, thank you and a can you email us so we know?
  • If you want to look after an area can you email us and say which area? Please email us at [email protected]

We desperately need more people to become involved in the garden. There are many ways you can help:

  • Give your time – Do a bit of gardening on our volunteer workdays (next one is Saturday 15th March) no gardening knowledge needed. Help out at garden events.
  • Fundraising – Help with ideas on raising money; offer to donate things to sell such as baking cakes for garden events.
  • Donate – If you can’t give your time you can donate money or items which we need e.g. a new picnic table or tool storage box, garden hose etc.
  • IT/Web skill – we need help keeping a website about the garden up-to-date.
  • Ideas – get involved with thinking how the garden should be used and designed.The garden is running out of money- The garden costs about 1000 a year just to maintain and when we have to repair vandalism or replace plants this cost goes up. Last year we only received £168 in donations.

    If you would like to make a donation please make cheques payable to: Bonnington Square Garden Association and send to: BSGA Treasurer, 52 Bonnington Square.

A bit of history
In 1990 a builder working in the area applied to the Council to use the site of the garden for storage. The Bonnington Square Garden Association was formed by Local Residents to lay claim to the “wasteland”. Construction began in August 1994 transforming the land into a little slice of paradise that improves all our lives and is an inspiration to other communities that want to do the same.

Get involved in your garden

Get in contact: email bonnington-square-gardens©googlegroups.com