Keybridge House planning meeting

The Keybridge House planning meeting has unexpectedly been scheduled for Tuesday 28 January, 7pm at Lambeth Town Hall. The main concerns are that the provision of a primary school on the site (without proper play space) instead of social/affordable housing would be bad news for locals in basic housing need, Vauxhall Park and the new school’s future pupils. Plus, Lambeth seems to be unwilling to satisfy a FoI request from Friends of Vauxhall Park regarding the viability of the development, which the developer claims is reducing the scope for social/affordable housing.

It would be really helpful to have as many people as possible attend the planning meeting in support of objectors (limited to three) who are permitted to speak for just two minutes each.

For details for the meeting, please go to Vauxhall Spring on or click on the link below, which will take you to the home page & events calendar of the KOV Forum.